Health Care Clinics

The Hands of Compassion Clinic, in partnership with the Department of Health, operates five days a week and provides primary health care. The Clinic is staffed by the Department of Health.  Approximately 500 patients are attended to weekly.

The primary health clinic is staffed by qualified nurses and provides all the following free services to the residents of our area:

  • Child Health & EPI (Expanded Program on Immunisation)
  • Minor Ailments
  • Chronic Diseases
  • Family Planning
  • TB
  • STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
  • Health Promotion
  • HIV and AIDS Counseling and ARVs
  • Prevention of Maternal to Child Transmission of HIV
  • Voluntary Counseling and Testing)
  • Ante- and Post Natal Clinic
  • COVID-19 Vaccines

The Eyethu Yarona Clinic: in 2011 a new clinic was established at the Thabo Mbeki Settlement. It was built through a partnership between Hands of Compassion, The Department of Health, Mellon Housing Initiative (the donors) and the community. Today a full range of primary health services are being provided to hundreds of people daily.

The Ethafeni Clinic: in 2012 a new project began. The Ethafeni Clinic in Tembisa was identified as the neediest in the area. The existing facilities have been beautifully renovated, in order to provide new maternity and dental sections.

 I will give you back your health and heal your wounds says the Lord. (Jeremiah 30:17)